Many of your are probably thinking right now, "why would I want to SPROUT my nuts? Why would they sell them to be if they weren't ok to eat as is?". You are not incorrect, however it is much more safe and gentle on your digestive system to eat sprouted nuts.
Nuts that have casing or film overtop are being protected by mother nature with a series of natural enzymes in layers after the shell has gone. Soaking and sprouting releases the layers and allows the seed to become itself, in its most vulnerable form; allowing you to digest it and all of the nutrients it contains without missing anything.
Step One:
Nuts that have casing or film overtop are being protected by mother nature with a series of natural enzymes in layers after the shell has gone. Soaking and sprouting releases the layers and allows the seed to become itself, in its most vulnerable form; allowing you to digest it and all of the nutrients it contains without missing anything.
Step One:
- Take a glass jar and fill it 2/3-1/2 way with room temperature, filtered water.
- Add 1Tsp sea salt and stir until dissolved
- Take your almonds (preferably raw and organic) and pour them into the jar of water, until almonds reach just beneath the water line, leaving about 1/4 inch.
- Cover with sprouting lid or foil that has been slit for air.
- Sit on counter for 12 hours.
Step Two:
- Rinse almonds well
- Place in bottom of glass dish so they are not on top of each other.
- Cover with wet paper towel.
- Let stand for 12 hours
- Check on towel from time to time and make sure it stays wet.
- **Almonds cannot get moldy, check on them from time to time and make sure everything is going smoothly. An alternative option is to place them on a rack and run water over them occasionally while sprouting.
Step Three:
- Rinse thoroughly
- These almonds are now ready to be eaten, made milk of or dehydrated! Enjoy!
- Store in refrigerator until dehyrdated