A great pre-raw milk staple!
This Kefir is pertinent to digestion, detox and over all wellness!
We buy our Kefir starters from "Body Ecology", mixing about a gallon of fresh coconut water from young coconuts, storing it in a glass container sealed with plastic wrap, in oven with light on (don't turn oven on) for 12 hours...
We take bottled organic lemon juice, organic pure (a cup) pomegranate juice (only about 1-4 cup) and stevia and mix it together for the best taste; store in refrigerator.
Note about coconuts:
We purchase from our local grocer by the case. Wash each coconut thoroughly because you need it bacteria free to keep your batch good. Slice about 1/2 inch from flat bottom, digging into the eye to make a hole. Strain into a clear container, one at a time to check quality. Pink water=BAF
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