Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Memantine Clinical Case Study: 2nd Month

We are now entering into our second month of our participation in the Memantine clinical research study at Children's National Hospital in Washington DC.

So far we have noticed a small increase in use of "typical" language in most sentences as well as larger sentence formation. We are thrilled to have a new understanding for what is going on inside our 11yr old's head!

Negative side effects that we have seemed to find that correlate with the use of Memantine are headaches, seeming nauseous (I say this carefully as autistic kids can not verbalize exactly what ill feelings they are having), tiredness and much more stim behaviors. We have taken to advil, dramamine and Son Rise Therapy to help lessen the severity of these things and are hoping to see less frequency in the future.

1 comment:

  1. http://autismwithnoboundaries.wordpress.com:

    About Autism.With.No.Boundaries:
    (Looking for submissions)

    The stories, poetry, photography, and art work to be presented at this site can range from childish delight and wonderment to adult angst and sorrow, expressed in gentle waves like those of a lagoon~or as the terrifying tidal waves of a tsunami.

    Eyes are opened; imaginations are widened; hearts are softened; and understanding, which is the foundation upon which all knowledge is built, is acquired.

    I truly hope that you enjoy these artistic efforts~they illustrate the breadth and depth of the creative processes of the autistic artist.

    Deirdre Deborah Davin

    P.S. Please share the above.

    P.P.S. Submission process information is on website.
