Most families get really enthusiastic about holidays. With time off from school there are many fun things to fill their day with. Not for us! having TWO Autistic kids staying home for Columbus Day, our first response is "oh #$%@".
It is hard to convince the average pedestrian what we go through on an everyday basis; days off of school being no exception, so here is a little look into what it is like around here:
3am, 13 yr old wakes up to tell mommy she is dreaming about Florida....stays up until 6am.
7am 10 yr old wakes up and in doing so, wake up 13 year old, who wakes up mommy.
745am, finally done preparing breakfast, giving 15 supplements and nasal spray.
815am Paper plate lit on fire, trouble extinguishing fast
830am glass breaks
11am 10 yr old draws numerous pictures in library books
1115am 10 yr old punches holes in all newly purchased bags of rice pasta.
1130am 10 yr old sticks entire hand in jar of raw honey
1135am... 10 yr old removes lamp shades from chandelier over dining room table
1145am 13 yr old tries to cut bottom of plastic jack O lantern bucket with kitchen knife
1230pm10 yr old fills balloon with water and carries down hall, untied...
1245pm 10 yr old jumps out bedroom window
1245pm 13 yr old goes outside in shorts and tank, no's 50F!
1pm 10 yr old finds saw and runs to playground to "cut it down"
127pm 10 yr old is still climbing out the window... with bare feet
So next time you think your child is driving you crazy, take a second to be a little more patient and thankful for the little things (like smoke detectors).
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