Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gluten/Casein Free: Cornmeal "Cake" Donuts

makes large batch (about 12)

1 1/2 cups cornmeal
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup ghee, melted
1/2 cup liquid egg whites
3/4-1cup almond milk (or soy milk, coconut milk etc.)
1Tbs baking soda 
1tsp salt
4-7 droppers full of stevia (depending on how sweet you want it)

Mix well in a bowl

Heated pot of canola oil ( doesn't need to be but a 1/4 full)

Spoon batter into pot at desired size, turn when browning on edges, rotate until golden brown
remove and lay on paper towel

Coat with granulated xylitol

Served with agave nectar makes it extra yum!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gluten & Casein Free Brownie Bites

Preheat oven to 350F

In mixing bowl combine:

5Tbs melted ghee
1tsp vanilla
1/2 cup liquid egg whites (or two eggs)
1/2 dropper full of cocoa bean extract stevia
1/2 cup xylitol
1/4 cup quinoa flour
1/4 cup almond flour
1/3 cup unsweetened powdered cocoa

stir and pour into grease mini muffin tin, bake for 11-14 min.

Allow to cool before eating


Rotational Diet

For the past 13 years our kids have been on a gluten free, casein free diet with implementations from The Body Ecology Diet and The GAPS Diet. We have allowed cheating here and there on special occasions and days that we are overwhelmed with prepping but mostly have followed the plan to the T.

Recently we received our comprehensive lab results back from our visit with Dr. Julie Buckley and found that our kids are actually ALLERGIC to many foods, one child worse than the other. She suggested that we begin a rotational diet to help A.) heal and B.) recover our kids from their food allergies and related symptoms.  In essence, your receive a chart of all the foods tested. It is rated in categories of 1-3, one being minor and three being absolute no.

To begin a rotational food diet you take a list of food groups and color code them. i.e. veggies, fruits, animal products etc. Then you create a spreadsheet containing days/meals, planning meals with food groups and not using 1 item from 1 food group more than once in 4 days. After a month or so you can begin to add some of the low-mid level allergy foods into the group, one new one every 4 days. After a year or so you can actually eliminate food allergies by doing this and hopefully reintroduce your kids to foods helping them live a more normal, healthy life.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Not all 5-HTP is Created Equal

Have ever given your child 5-HTP before bed and nervously crossed your fingers? WE HAVE! Our recent visit to Dr. Buckley enlightened us that not all 5-HTP is created equally. In fact, Dr. Buckley's husband is basically the "Mikey" of 5-HTP. He literally tries them all and lets her know what ones work etc.

The scoop: We were told that the current go to brand is "Premier Science; integrative therapeutics inc. : NF formula 5-HTP"