Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gluten Free & Casein Free: Almond & Tapioca Flour Waffles

Preheat Waffle Iron

3 Cups almond flour
1/4 Cup tapioca flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp xanthum gum
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 Tbs melted almond butter
2 Tbs olive oil
1 Cup of water
1/8-1/5 tsp of cinnamon

Combine all ingredients, starting with dry working your way to went. Mix well. Batter will seem thicker than typical waffle mix and will form well on medium heat settings. Watching it for several minutes, longer than typical waffles as well. I like to take a fork and try to gently lift the sides, once it has cooked long enough it will be golden brown and will come out without a glitch!

Serve with pure maple syrup or agave nectar, enjoy!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gluten & Caein Free: Egg White Frittata


Preheat oven to 375F

Grease muffin tin with palm oil (dip napkin into oil andspread over entire tin)


You will need:

1 ¼ C liquid egg whites

¾ cup water

½ tsp. of salt

½ tsp. pepper


¼ red bell pepper, diced

¼ zucchini, diced

¼ cup of diced onion


Mix egg whites, water, salt and pepper, set aside.

Spread diced vegetables evenly in bottom of muffin tin.

Sprinkle about 7 shakes of oregano (or about 1/8 tsp.) overvegetables.

Spread egg mixture evenly over vegetables.

Bake for 15-21 minutes until egg has set and the edges arebrown.

Using a butter knife, gently separate frittata from tin,serve immediately


For those without lactose allergies: Try adding feta orgorgonzola cheese to top after 15 min in oven.

Friday, June 7, 2013

New and Improved Gluten Free & Casein Free: Pizza Crust

This is our new favorite!

2 Tbs olive oil
1 Cup quinoa flour
1 Cup sorghum flour
1 tsp xanthum gum
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp basil
1 cup of water

Preheat oven to 400F

Mix ingredients in bowl, dry first, then adding liquids.

Line cookie sheet with parchment paper, spray with olive oil.

Scoop dough into rounded area on the pan, then using an OILED spatula, press the dough into a thin circle.

Cook for 12-15 min (I prefer about 12min, then I add toppings and put it back in the oven)


Monday, June 3, 2013

Gluten Free & Casein Free: Coconut Macaroon Bars

2 Cups shredded coconut
3 Tbs melted ghee
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1-1 1/2 cups coconut oil, melted
1/2 tsp almond extract

Stir together in bowl. I also use my hands to blend as it helps get everything together.

Line small square pan with parchment paper; I like it to be larger than the pan so it works on the sides as well. Spray paper with coconut oil (or other non-stick spray). Spread the mixture into the pan evenly and chill in freezer for two hours. Cut into small squares; serve chilled.

Gluten Free & Casein Free Chocolate Frosting

4Tbs Unsweetened cocoa powder
5Tbs Ghee (clarified butter)
2 droppers full of cocoa bean extract stevia (prefer alcohol free)
3Tbs agave nectar
1tsp kuzu root starch

Combine kuzu root with 2-3TBS boiling water to dissolve, set aside. In small saucepan bring remaining items to a light boil, stirring frequently.

Add kuzu root, about half at a time, stirring as it thickens. Turn heat off and continue to stir until desired consistency is reached. If any separation of the liquids occurs use spoon to hold frosting in pan and dump out the excess water.

Cover cookies or cakes and then allow to sit in refrigerator for about 15 mins.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gluten/Casein Free: Cornmeal "Cake" Donuts

makes large batch (about 12)

1 1/2 cups cornmeal
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup ghee, melted
1/2 cup liquid egg whites
3/4-1cup almond milk (or soy milk, coconut milk etc.)
1Tbs baking soda 
1tsp salt
4-7 droppers full of stevia (depending on how sweet you want it)

Mix well in a bowl

Heated pot of canola oil ( doesn't need to be but a 1/4 full)

Spoon batter into pot at desired size, turn when browning on edges, rotate until golden brown
remove and lay on paper towel

Coat with granulated xylitol

Served with agave nectar makes it extra yum!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gluten & Casein Free Brownie Bites

Preheat oven to 350F

In mixing bowl combine:

5Tbs melted ghee
1tsp vanilla
1/2 cup liquid egg whites (or two eggs)
1/2 dropper full of cocoa bean extract stevia
1/2 cup xylitol
1/4 cup quinoa flour
1/4 cup almond flour
1/3 cup unsweetened powdered cocoa

stir and pour into grease mini muffin tin, bake for 11-14 min.

Allow to cool before eating
