Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gluten Free & Casein Free: Almond & Tapioca Flour Waffles

Preheat Waffle Iron

3 Cups almond flour
1/4 Cup tapioca flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp xanthum gum
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 Tbs melted almond butter
2 Tbs olive oil
1 Cup of water
1/8-1/5 tsp of cinnamon

Combine all ingredients, starting with dry working your way to went. Mix well. Batter will seem thicker than typical waffle mix and will form well on medium heat settings. Watching it for several minutes, longer than typical waffles as well. I like to take a fork and try to gently lift the sides, once it has cooked long enough it will be golden brown and will come out without a glitch!

Serve with pure maple syrup or agave nectar, enjoy!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gluten & Caein Free: Egg White Frittata


Preheat oven to 375F

Grease muffin tin with palm oil (dip napkin into oil andspread over entire tin)


You will need:

1 ¼ C liquid egg whites

¾ cup water

½ tsp. of salt

½ tsp. pepper


¼ red bell pepper, diced

¼ zucchini, diced

¼ cup of diced onion


Mix egg whites, water, salt and pepper, set aside.

Spread diced vegetables evenly in bottom of muffin tin.

Sprinkle about 7 shakes of oregano (or about 1/8 tsp.) overvegetables.

Spread egg mixture evenly over vegetables.

Bake for 15-21 minutes until egg has set and the edges arebrown.

Using a butter knife, gently separate frittata from tin,serve immediately


For those without lactose allergies: Try adding feta orgorgonzola cheese to top after 15 min in oven.

Friday, June 7, 2013

New and Improved Gluten Free & Casein Free: Pizza Crust

This is our new favorite!

2 Tbs olive oil
1 Cup quinoa flour
1 Cup sorghum flour
1 tsp xanthum gum
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp basil
1 cup of water

Preheat oven to 400F

Mix ingredients in bowl, dry first, then adding liquids.

Line cookie sheet with parchment paper, spray with olive oil.

Scoop dough into rounded area on the pan, then using an OILED spatula, press the dough into a thin circle.

Cook for 12-15 min (I prefer about 12min, then I add toppings and put it back in the oven)


Monday, June 3, 2013

Gluten Free & Casein Free: Coconut Macaroon Bars

2 Cups shredded coconut
3 Tbs melted ghee
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1-1 1/2 cups coconut oil, melted
1/2 tsp almond extract

Stir together in bowl. I also use my hands to blend as it helps get everything together.

Line small square pan with parchment paper; I like it to be larger than the pan so it works on the sides as well. Spray paper with coconut oil (or other non-stick spray). Spread the mixture into the pan evenly and chill in freezer for two hours. Cut into small squares; serve chilled.

Gluten Free & Casein Free Chocolate Frosting

4Tbs Unsweetened cocoa powder
5Tbs Ghee (clarified butter)
2 droppers full of cocoa bean extract stevia (prefer alcohol free)
3Tbs agave nectar
1tsp kuzu root starch

Combine kuzu root with 2-3TBS boiling water to dissolve, set aside. In small saucepan bring remaining items to a light boil, stirring frequently.

Add kuzu root, about half at a time, stirring as it thickens. Turn heat off and continue to stir until desired consistency is reached. If any separation of the liquids occurs use spoon to hold frosting in pan and dump out the excess water.

Cover cookies or cakes and then allow to sit in refrigerator for about 15 mins.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gluten/Casein Free: Cornmeal "Cake" Donuts

makes large batch (about 12)

1 1/2 cups cornmeal
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup ghee, melted
1/2 cup liquid egg whites
3/4-1cup almond milk (or soy milk, coconut milk etc.)
1Tbs baking soda 
1tsp salt
4-7 droppers full of stevia (depending on how sweet you want it)

Mix well in a bowl

Heated pot of canola oil ( doesn't need to be but a 1/4 full)

Spoon batter into pot at desired size, turn when browning on edges, rotate until golden brown
remove and lay on paper towel

Coat with granulated xylitol

Served with agave nectar makes it extra yum!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gluten & Casein Free Brownie Bites

Preheat oven to 350F

In mixing bowl combine:

5Tbs melted ghee
1tsp vanilla
1/2 cup liquid egg whites (or two eggs)
1/2 dropper full of cocoa bean extract stevia
1/2 cup xylitol
1/4 cup quinoa flour
1/4 cup almond flour
1/3 cup unsweetened powdered cocoa

stir and pour into grease mini muffin tin, bake for 11-14 min.

Allow to cool before eating


Rotational Diet

For the past 13 years our kids have been on a gluten free, casein free diet with implementations from The Body Ecology Diet and The GAPS Diet. We have allowed cheating here and there on special occasions and days that we are overwhelmed with prepping but mostly have followed the plan to the T.

Recently we received our comprehensive lab results back from our visit with Dr. Julie Buckley and found that our kids are actually ALLERGIC to many foods, one child worse than the other. She suggested that we begin a rotational diet to help A.) heal and B.) recover our kids from their food allergies and related symptoms.  In essence, your receive a chart of all the foods tested. It is rated in categories of 1-3, one being minor and three being absolute no.

To begin a rotational food diet you take a list of food groups and color code them. i.e. veggies, fruits, animal products etc. Then you create a spreadsheet containing days/meals, planning meals with food groups and not using 1 item from 1 food group more than once in 4 days. After a month or so you can begin to add some of the low-mid level allergy foods into the group, one new one every 4 days. After a year or so you can actually eliminate food allergies by doing this and hopefully reintroduce your kids to foods helping them live a more normal, healthy life.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Not all 5-HTP is Created Equal

Have ever given your child 5-HTP before bed and nervously crossed your fingers? WE HAVE! Our recent visit to Dr. Buckley enlightened us that not all 5-HTP is created equally. In fact, Dr. Buckley's husband is basically the "Mikey" of 5-HTP. He literally tries them all and lets her know what ones work etc.

The scoop: We were told that the current go to brand is "Premier Science; integrative therapeutics inc. : NF formula 5-HTP"


Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Yeast Invasion

About a month ago we started to notice a steady decrease in function with both of our kids. Less talking, less sleeping and erratic behavior. As mentioned in our most recent blog posting, we immediately got an appointment with Dr. Buckley, of Jacksonville, Florida, but a month was a long time in-between.

We began researching on the internet, causes of "this" and reasons for "that". Could it be the strange complex in apples or the gluten-free grains? Were we doing something wrong? Was this the normal path autism takes??

DING DING DING...like a lightbulb met with the power of a lightning bolt we remembered something from way back when; YEAST.

A request for stool sample kits (at a costly $400) was placed and we went on a mission for poop. Yes, poop. The tell all of the gut and butt. Funny but not really; not at all.

Our kids were off the charts with fungal yeast! No wonder the regression and lack of enthusiasm for everyday life! Yeast is to our kids what LSD is to your Grandfather! No jokes intended!

With serious regiment of anti-fungals in one week we saw total transformation. Back to previous levels of verbalization, sleep patterns and GOOD MOODS! Hallelujah!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dr. Julie Buckley

Many of you have been waiting for our post regarding Dr. Buckley, here it is!

Dr. Julie Buckley, as featured in Jenny McCarthy's book, is located in Jacksonville, Florida. We flew all the way from Washington DC, booked a hotel and rented a car to simply have a single moment with her. 

Now, I am not sure about those of you who are reading our blog but WE have not encountered a cutting-edge, proactive doctor for quite some time. This is not to say that we are without help or hope...but it has been some time, nevertheless.

In the past month both of our autistic children seemed to slide into a downward spiral with no fair warning or reason. Days of endless chatter and limited verbalization met nights of restless, sleepless anxiety. Enough was enough so we called on Dr, Buckley, our last hope at our last straw.

With an office located in a quiet marsh stricken neighborhood, one would never anticipate the unmatched confidence that expelled so peacefully from within. Maintaing a cozy playground in the front yard and a AWESOME waiting room clearly designed for autistic little ones, a parent couldn't help but find themselves relaxed. Add the bulletin board strewn with autism related postings and a little fridge containing GAPS "whipped cream"....this could be our version of heaven.

Could it be? That there was a heaven that lay just outside our endless purgatories door? Could it be? A heavenly being with a profound understanding of the way god created our little ones with a fearless, confident and extremely reassured attitude that this was indeed the end of the struggle?

It was. Dr. Buckley is a mother of a 14 year old autistic child. Her methods are real, proactive and TANGIBLE. No cooky brain washing hypnosis or endless injections. Simple. Raw. Real. HOPE.

Our children, especially our worst, have not been the same since initial contact with Dr. Buckley. Even without a single physical treatment, their attitudes changed into happy, smiling, calm and hopeful; as if they themselves knew they were going to get better.

I highly recommend seeing Dr. Buckley under any costs. For the first time in 13 years, we believe there is a chance our children will live a functional, main stream life.

Stay tuned for more in depth postings regarding Dr. Buckley and our ongoing treatments!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sprouting Almonds: How To

Many of your are probably thinking right now, "why would I want to SPROUT my nuts? Why would they sell them to be if they weren't ok to eat as is?". You are not incorrect, however it is much more safe and gentle on your digestive system to eat sprouted nuts.

Nuts that have casing or film overtop are being protected by mother nature with a series of natural enzymes in layers after the shell has gone. Soaking and sprouting releases the layers and allows the seed to become itself, in its most vulnerable form; allowing you to digest it and all of the nutrients it contains without missing anything.

Step One:

  • Take a glass jar and fill it 2/3-1/2 way with room temperature, filtered water.
  • Add 1Tsp sea salt and stir until dissolved
  • Take your almonds (preferably raw and organic) and pour them into the jar of water, until almonds reach just beneath the water line, leaving about 1/4 inch.
  • Cover with sprouting lid or foil that has been slit for air.
  • Sit on counter for 12 hours.
Step Two:
  • Rinse almonds well
  • Place in bottom of glass dish so they are not on top of each other.
  • Cover with wet paper towel.
  • Let stand for 12 hours
  • Check on towel from time to time and make sure it stays wet.
  • **Almonds cannot get moldy, check on them from time to time and make sure everything is going smoothly. An alternative option is to place them on a rack and run water over them occasionally while sprouting.
Step Three:

  • Rinse thoroughly
  • These almonds are now ready to be eaten, made milk of or dehydrated! Enjoy!
  • Store in refrigerator until dehyrdated 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Our News Interview About Memantine

Sara was interviewed by Washington DC's Channel 9 News regarding the clinical research study! Here is a link to the interview:

USA9 News Interview

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Namenda; After 2 Months

It has been just over two months since we put our 13 year old on Namenda*. We started at a daily dose of 5mg and almost immediately started seeing mild results.

This week we upped her dosage to 7.5mg and INSTANTLY saw an increase in mannerisms, tone inflection and number of words in her sentences!

God help us as we are rendered completely defenseless on going from Autism to typical 13 year old girl virtually overnight! How exciting this process is going to be!



Saturday, January 26, 2013

Memantine Clinical Research Study: Month 2-3

It has come to our attention that the Memantine* is actually the generic version of Namenda*, a drug, already on the market for Alzheimer's, used at parent/doctor discretion for experimental autism therapy.

We are entering our 3rd month in clinical trials at Children's National Hospital in Washington DC.
This trial is focused on allowing Memantine* to enter the FDA approved market SPECIFICALLY for the use of treating Autism in children under the age of 12. His dose has doubled to 6mg a day, in the for of two 3mg capsules.

To date we have seen some improvement in sentence structure, number of words used in a given sentence and also more "typical" social outreach. For example, this morning our 11 year old looked at me and said, "Ally, tickle tickle!" and then smiled and started ticking me under my chin.

We have also seen some negatives that have been somewhat of a concern. The STIM behavior is at a recent high; loud and aggressive noises with constant repeating of word phrases. These behaviors couple with severe headache, diarrhea, loss of interest in food and what appears to be nausea (I say that loosely as we don't know exactly how he feels as he cannot communicate it directly).

Food for thought:

Our 13 year old is on Namenda* already, they started about the same time frame. She never experienced side effects such as headache or over all ill disposition, but did suffer the increase of STIM activity including loss of sleep on a regular basis (waking at ours like 4am and 5am for the day).

She has also shown a large increase of number of words used in a sentence along with an enormous increase in use of typical "quips".






The Ultimate GF, Casein Free, Weight Gain Shake

Many of you out there know exactly what it is like to have an autistic child who over eats or under eats. Unfortunately, we have one of each. For years it has been a constant battle as to keeping one out of the cupboards and force feeding the other. However, newly found hope is in sight!

A few months ago we started doing raw milk kefir smoothies* per the "Brain Food Diet". We purchased a cow, bought the kefir cultures and see the milk man at our door every Thursday. Routine shakes, less "stym-ing" and the cycle continues; until we bought a nutribullet.

OF COURSE! This makes so much sense! Lets add things to the smoothie! Our picky eater is more than picky; he has efficiently illuminated all foods out of his diet except millet bread, rice, rice pasta and GF "treats" of any kind. 58lbs and 11 years of age; we needed something resourceful, and fast, so I developed the perfect recipe to please both our little sweet tooth junkie and our eager nurturing hearts.

1 regular banana
4oz of organic, unsweetened applesauce or a "snack-pack" apple sauce
42g (or one scoop) any vegan Shakeology* mix
1 cup frozen, mixed organic berries (excluding strawberries, see "Brain Food Diet"
1-2Tbs liquid, alcohol free, stevia
2 Raw eggs (preferably the highest quality organic eggs available to you)
1tsp fermented spirulina (we use "Body Ecology")

This concoction contains over 700 calories, over 30g of protein and is loaded with natural fiber, probiotics and nutrients. Though it resources ingredients from unique places, nothing is more satisfying than seeing our kid drink an entire shake full of hope for growth into his future!

Ingredient & Equipment Information:


Body Ecology


What is Spirulina?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Memantine Clinical Case Study: 2nd Month

We are now entering into our second month of our participation in the Memantine clinical research study at Children's National Hospital in Washington DC.

So far we have noticed a small increase in use of "typical" language in most sentences as well as larger sentence formation. We are thrilled to have a new understanding for what is going on inside our 11yr old's head!

Negative side effects that we have seemed to find that correlate with the use of Memantine are headaches, seeming nauseous (I say this carefully as autistic kids can not verbalize exactly what ill feelings they are having), tiredness and much more stim behaviors. We have taken to advil, dramamine and Son Rise Therapy to help lessen the severity of these things and are hoping to see less frequency in the future.